Let’s face it— Canada is one of the colder, snowier & icier places to live in the world. Starting anywhere as early as October and running as late as April, snow is just one of the necessary evils us Canadians have to deal with during this time of year. While we do not have any control over this weather and how it affects our security gate, we do have control over the ways to prevent this weather from affecting our gates operation.
To learn about how to keep your gate safe from the flurry weather during the winter season, check out the tips that our sliding gate operators here at Techno Gate GTA have to offer:
- Consider installing an add-on heater. When temperatures begin to drop below freezing, the oil within your automatic gates gearbox can solidify and mess with the movement of your gate. To avoid this from happening, you can add a heater kit into your gate operator that will re-liquify the oil and get things back to normal again.
- Make sure the gate’s torque is set up properly. This service will need to be done by a professional, but it is important if your gate is having troubles opening in the way you want it to.
- Run the operating system a few times just because. When you have the time, run a gate operation regardless if anyone is entering or leaving the home. When the weather is below freezing temp, this repeated action of opening and closing the gate will warm up the compartments inside and prevent the gate from locking.
- Ensure your gate parts are free of water. To do this, make sure your gate’s drainage system is efficient. If any water gets trapped within the compartments of a gate, the water can freeze and stop a gate’s compartments from moving properly.
- Always clear your photocells of any ice and snow. If you were unaware, the photocells on your gate are the motion detectors that cause a gate to open and close. When these sensors are covered in snow or ice, gates will not open and close when you want them to.
- Lubricate your gate hinges. During the cold weather, the hinges on your gate can freeze together and cause friction. When you lubricate this area, ice and snow are more likely to slide off and not freeze onto the metal.
- To be extra safe, get your gate serviced before the weather gets too extreme. If there are any underlying issues before snow, ice and other weather patterns take effect, these issues can turn into bigger ones quite quickly. To avoid this, get your gate serviced before the winter to ensure everything is operating smoothly in preparation.
Hire a Gate Repair Service Today
When you need assistance with any gate/barrier problem, let our team here at Techno Gate GTA help. Regardless of the issue, our team works incredibly hard to make sure that your gate operates at its very best. To learn more about what our GTA swing gate operators can do for your system, be sure to email us or phone our team at (416) 848-9433 today.